Welcome to the 2024 Board of Review (BOR) Training

Wisconsin law requires that in 2024, before the First Two-hour Meeting, at least one member of the BOR must attend a training session approved by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue within one year of the BOR’s first meeting, see Wis. Stats. §§ 70.46(4) and 73.03(55). However, we recommended that all BOR members meet the training requirement by viewing a video and taking the exam.

2024 Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) Approved Training

How to Purchase the BOR Training Videos

You can purchase these videos by clicking this link. .

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you already purchased the 2022, or 2023 “How to Conduct a BOR First Meeting” and/or the 2021, 2022 & 2023 “How to Conduct a BOR Hearing” video. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PURCHASE A NEW VIDEO FOR THE 2024 BOR Training.

While Watching the Videos
When viewing the BOR First Meeting video, use the Sample First Meeting Agenda on page 35 to follow the fictional Village of Grewyair First Meeting actions. For a BOR Hearing, use the “Findings of Fact, Determinations and Decision Form” on pages 53-58. The new BOR Short Videos are designed to aid a Chair and Clerk with specific BOR duties.

2024 BOR Handbook – UPDATED for 2024

You can purchase the handbook by clicking this link. .

We revamped the 2024 BOR Handbook to follow the typical BOR schedule for notices, starting with the Assessor’s Open Book, BOR First Meeting then, if needed, through a BOR Hearing.

2024 Board of Review Handbook includes a sample BOR agenda; BOR Checklist The Basics; 2024 Forms and Scripts; Findings of Fact and Decision form; scripts for running both the BOR Two Hour First Meeting and BOR Hearing; DOR and other forms; BOR Meeting notices; Sample Revaluation Notice; BOR Sample Ordinances and Policies; Taxpayer Assessment Questions and Policies; DOE resources and publications information and BOR Wisconsin statutes.

2024 BOR Exam – NEW for 2024

There is a NEW 2024 BOR Exam, which must be completed to complete your 2024 BOR Training.
You do not have to achieve a certain score to receive certification as having completed your training. The exam’s main purpose is to guide you in preparing for your board of review. These materials are designed to assist you in your BOR member role with the BOR forms, outlines, and a link to DOR online resources.

You can get the 2024 NEW BOR Exam using the New Revamped 2024 Handbook. Or download it for free (see below).

Free Downloadable 2024 Board of Review Training Handbook Exam & Answers, Forms and Notices

These materials are provided to assist municipalities in utilizing the printed forms contained in the 2024 Board of Review Training Handbook. The materials are a WORD file and can be adapted to fit your municipality. Download the WORD file by clicking here.

For any questions, please contact Bill Oemichen at woemichen@wisc.edu or Daniel Foth at daniel.foth@wisc.edu

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