
For over 30 years UW-Extension’s Local Government Education Program has been helping local government officials build their capacity to govern.

LGC Branding Bar

LGE’s Mission

The mission of UW-Extension’s Local Government Education is to provide focus, coordination, and leadership to UW-Extension educational programs supporting local government, and to expand the research and knowledge base for local government education.

LGE’s Educational Outcomes

We provide instruction to local government officials:

    • To help new officials understand their roles and responsibilities as public officials in Wisconsin
    • To develop the abilities of new and continuing officials to fulfill their roles and responsibilities
    • To enhance the ability of Extension educators to establish relationships and work with local officials in their area
    • To help officials keep current on topics and practices which affect their communities
    • To help officials fulfill requirements when specific instruction is required by statute (such as Board of Review).

    This instruction is usually in one of five forms:

    • in-person workshops presented statewide in the spring and fall of each year
    • teleconference programs on individual topics offered live and in recorded form
    • video accompanied by written materials
    • the Local Government Education website
    • the Certified Public Manager Program group colleague cohorts and public classes

    We research questions about local government in Wisconsin to gain insight into trends and solutions to problems.

Local Government Education Specialists and Staff

Karl Green

Local Government Education Program Manager
Phone: 608-785-9763

Overall Local Government Education program delivery and coordination.

William L. Oemichen, JD
Professor of Practice-Law

Local Government Law Educator
Phone: 608-576-6101

Current school board president and former county supervisor and village and town board official; provide legal education and training to Wisconsin local governments

Daniel Foth, JD
CPM Director

Local Government Specialist
Phone: 608-265-2852

Local government budgeting and finance, effective meetings and parliamentary procedure, Open meetings and records, and Women in Government, and 2020 Census

Christopher Stark

Digital Equity Outreach Specialist

Based in Eagle River, Chris is responsible for working with Wisconsin communities to improve broadband access, affordability, and adoption for all Wisconsin residents.    

picture of Laurie Lindquist

Laurie Lindquist

Community Development Institute – Administrative Assistant
Phone: 608-265-8136

Amanda Lang

Program Assistant, Certified Public Manager Program


We work with our partners to develop and present program content, and plan, coordinate and promote educational events, and contribute articles and chapters to the publications distributed by the statewide local government associations.

Wisconsin Counties Association

Wisconsin Towns Association

League of Wisconsin Municipalities

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association

UW-Extension County Offices

UW-Madison Transportation Information Center

Wisconsin Department of Revenue

UW-Madison Department of Continuing Studies


Local Government Education
432 N. Lake St., Rm. 439
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Phone: 608-262-9960
Email: lgc@extension.wisc.edu

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