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Local Government Education Webinars
Our webinars provide timely, expert guidance to help local government officials keep current on the topics and practices which affect their communities
2025 Webinars
PFAS Webinar: April 16, 2025
PFAS, often referred to as “forever chemicals” have been manufactured since the 1950s, and are found in a variety of household, commercial and industrial products. Unfortunately for some municipalities and residents, they have also contaminated well water, both public and private. Due to the health risks associated with low levels of exposure, many local units of government are looking at ways to address these emerging contaminants.
This webinar will:
- review the sources and impacts of PFA’s contamination
- review potential state funding available to help investigate and address PFA’s impacted groundwater
- look at a specific example where the Town of Campbell and La Crosse County partnered to mitigate the groundwater contamination in the Town while also preventing future contamination at the La Crosse County Solid Waste facility.
Alcohol & Beverage Licensing Webinars: May 8 and May 9, 2025
While implementation of 2023 Wisconsin Act 73 is now in full swing, local units of government are adjusting to the new regulations. The 2025 Alcohol & Beverage Licensing program will help local government officials & staff navigate these changes and better understand their duties related to the issuance and administration of alcohol and beverage licenses in their communities. Please join UW Madison’s Division of Extension Local Government Education Program, in partnership with the Wisconsin Towns Association, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, and the Division of Alcoholic Beverages (WDOR), as we review discuss these regulatory changes. Registrants will receive a recording of the program after May 9, 2025.
Alcohol and Beverage Regulation Licensing Webinar, Part 1: May 8, 2025 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Presented by Attorney Carol Nawrocki of the Wisconsin Towns Association and Attorneys Maria Davis and Nick Zavos of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities
Alcohol and Beverage Regulation Licensing Webinar, Part 2: May 9, 2025 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Part 2 presented by Ann Degarmo/Staff, Division of Alcohol Beverages – Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Completing Form C/CT Workshop: Multiple Dates
Are you struggling with completing your 2024 Form C/CT? Concerned about missing either of the deadlines of April 1, 2025, or the May 15, 2025, final deadline? If yes, then this workshop is for you.
The workshop will guide you through the steps to complete the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s Form C/CT, which municipal clerks must file. Whether you’re a seasoned finance professional or a newcomer, learn how to complete this essential form. The presenters will guide you through each section, assisting your municipality in meeting its reporting obligation. The presentation will walk through Form C/CT, Sections A through W, and the signature statement and form submission.
Presented by Daniel Foth, JD Local Government Specialist, and Melissa Kono, Professor and Clerk Specialist at the Local Government Education Program, UW-Madison Extension. For questions, please contact: daniel.foth@wisc.edu or Melissa.kono@wisc.edu.
Workshop Dates, Locations, Recording and Materials
The workshops will be virtual and each will cover the same material. Please register for the date that works best for you. All workshops are noon – 2 p.m.
How to register for an LGE webinar:
To register online, follow the link in the program information and complete the registration. Some webinars are free, and others will have a page to submit payment. After registering, you will receive an email with the Zoom connection link to attend the webinar. Usually, the day before the webinar, you will receive a reminder email that includes a PDF attachment of supporting materials.
Previous Webinars
Previous Free LGE Programming
County Board Restructuring Webinar (free!)
The 2021 Census and required redistricting provide an ideal opportunity for a County Board to consider whether restructuring their board size and board committees could facilitate governing efficiency and operations. Materials from this interactive webinar provide information on the legal and practical considerations when considering a restructuring process.
Find the Restructuring Zoom Recording and Powerpoint Slides here.
Running for Elected Office (free!)
The How to Run for Office series covers information potential candidates will find helpful including the forms needed to run, circulating nomination papers or being nominated through the Caucus process, and the financial forms required for non-partisan candidates.
Find the Running for Office Zoom Recording and Powerpoint slides here.
Voter Registration Assistance Training (free!)
This webinar goes through the basics of registering to vote in Wisconsin, while also addressing challenges and barriers to voting throughout the state. This webinar offers resources to make the electoral process easier, and goes through the necessary steps to vote absentee in Wisconsin.
Find the Voter Registration Assistance Zoom Recording and Powerpoint Slides here.
Election Worker 101 Basics Course (free!)
This training is designed for municipal clerks for use in training new election inspectors on general election procedures and has been updated to include relevant information for the November 2020 Election.
Find the Election Worker Training Zoom Recording and Powerpoint Slides here.
Election Worker Refresher Training–Updates for the 2020 Election (free!)
This Election Inspector Refresher Training was designed to provide election workers with updates relevant to the 2020 Fall Election including information on updated Voter Registration requirements, Absentee Processing, and Health and Safety procedures.
Find the Election Worker Refresher Zoom Recording and Powerpoint Slides here.
Election Inspector Training (free!)
This webinar gives an in-depth overview on how to train election workers in Wisconsin.
Find the Election Inspector Zoom Recording and Powerpoint Slides here.
Previous LGE Programming for Purchase
Are You Prepared? Effectively Navigating Emergency Management Services Webinar ($20)
Effective emergency management is crucial for safeguarding lives, property, and communities in today’s unpredictable world. Our webinar, Effectively Navigating Emergency Management Services, is designed for Local Government elected leaders, administrative staff, EMS professionals, and other municipal staff. Discover the latest strategies and tools for establishing an effective EMS service through risk assessment, funding, working with other local governments, resource management, and communications.
Alcohol Beverage Regulation and Licensing, Parts 1 & 2 Recording & Materials ($40)
Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. This presentation is for both new and continuing officials who want to stay up-to-date with recent changes in the law, current issues, and Wisconsin Department of Revenue resources related to alcohol licensing.
Part 1 presented by Attorney Carol Nawrocki of the Wisconsin Towns Association and Attorney Claire Silverman of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities.
Part 2 presented by Zac Dolan and Derrick Schleis, Alcohol & Tobacco Specialists, Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
Practices for Protecting Local Farmland ($20)
Farmland protection is critical to preserving our ability to grow food for our communities in the future, among many other benefits, including mitigating climate change, that sustainable agriculture can provide. Proactively protecting farmland is more important now more than ever, given accelerating farmland loss and increasing urban development pressure on peri-urban and rural landscapes in Wisconsin and across the US. Wisconsin’s state and local governments have unique opportunities to enact innovative farmland protection measures, and the opportunity to position our state as a leader in safeguarding the future of agriculture. Learn about local-, regional-, and state-level opportunities in farmland protection, hear about innovative local government programs that are working to protect farmland, and engage in a peer discussion about possible solutions.
Presented by: Catie DeMets, doctoral student, UW-Madison Dept. of Planning & Landscape Architecture; Steve Steinhoff, Director, Capital Area Regional Planning Commission; Kara O’Connor, Midwest Farmland Protection Manager, American Farmland Trust; Chris Gutschenritter, Land Protection Manager at Tall Pines Conservancy.
Grants: From the Funders’ Perspectives($20)
Interested in better preparing grants to access state and other funding for local government projects? This presentation shares tips, tricks, and resources from the funders themselves so that you can be more effective at accessing funding. Our panel from Wisconsin DoT, WEDC, DoA, and Grantwatch.com offers funders’ perspectives on preparing effective grants. Presented by: Sam Rikkers, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, Deputy Secretary and COO; Dave Pawlisch, Wisconsin Department of Administration, Community Development Bureau Director; Merrill Mechler-Hickson (tentative), Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Local Roads Programs & Finance Section Chief; Libby Hikind, Founder and CEO, GrantWatch.com
Increasing Housing Options through Simple Zoning Changes ($20)
Is there a shortage of housing in your community? Are you a member of a Plan Commission, Village Board, Common Council, or neighborhood housing association and want to know how your jurisdiction can proactively support housing development using the existing zoning ordinance? In this webinar, you will learn some simple zoning code changes to reduce regulatory obstacles and increase the variety of housing choices in your community. We will explore how to add standards for accessory dwelling units (commonly called “mother-in-law units” or “granny flats”), how to incorporate multi-unit housing into existing residential zoning districts, and how to alter bulk and dimensional standards to achieve the types of development you want. This program features Rebecca Roberts, Land Use Specialist with the Center for Land Use Education and Melinda Osterberg, Community Development Educator with the UW-Madison, Division of Extension. There is no easy solution to this complex issue, however, this webinar will provide your jurisdiction with simple steps that you can take immediately to increase housing options!
Civically Engaging Youth in Local Government and Your Community ($20)
Involving youth in local government can be a win-win for the youth and local government. Youth benefit from and are empowered by the experience and local governments gain diverse youth perspectives with an eye to the future while cultivating a next generation of leaders. Learn how to set up and run an effective Youth in Government program from leaders from across the state. Presented by: Pamela Larson, Extension Racine County Kathleen Haas, Extension Columbia County Christa Van Treeck, Extension Marquette County Neil Klemme, Extension Iron County
Opportunities, Strategies and Programs for Reducing County and Municipal Utility Costs through Solar Energy ($20)
Solar energy programs provide an opportunity for local governments to reduce their utility costs, freeing up budgets for other essential services. In this webinar, the panel will share a variety of strategies and programs municipalities and counties can use to support solar installation and reduce energy costs. Panelists: Nick Hylla, Midwest Renewable Energy Association, will share examples from Wisconsin and neighboring states that demonstrate how jurisdictions are effectively deploying solar energy to reduce operating costs. Jenny Erickson, UW Extension Sauk County, will describe Grow Solar Sauk County and the impact the program is having on energy costs. Eric Kostecki, WPPI Energy, will discuss WPPI solar programs for municipalities Zack Hill, Alliant Energy, will provide an overview of Alliant solar program for counties and municipalities.
The Case for Local Food Systems Planning: Getting Food Systems Planning onto Your Local Policy Agenda ($20)
From transportation to energy to housing, many local infrastructure systems receive attention and resources in local government and planning. Yet one essential system, food, is often overlooked. Local food systems can provide myriad benefits: they contribute to local economic development, provide important ecosystem services and mitigate climate change, and build food security and local resilience in the face of global disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic. What’s more, planning for local food systems can often help local governments achieve other planning-related goals for their communities. Learn why local food systems planning is vital for community health, hear how communities are planning their local food systems, and explore where to start your local food systems planning process. Maybe you’re ready to spearhead local food systems planning, but how do you actually get it off the ground? This workshop will also present several different pathways and approaches, share successful models and case studies, and raise important considerations for getting food systems planning onto your local policy agenda. Presented by: Catie DeMets, doctoral student, UW-Madison Dept. of Planning & Landscape Architecture; Carl T. Chenoweth, Dane County Board Supervisor & former member of the Dane County Food Council; Chippewa Valley Market Match Organizing Team: Nancy Coffey, Emeritus UW-Extension; FoodWIse Coordinator Sandy Tarter, FoodWIse Nutrition Coordinator; Eric M. Jamelske, Professor, Director of Collaborative Research, Dept. of Economics, UW-Eau Claire; Kate Beaton, former AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer
Accessing and Using Census Data for Decision Making in Local Government ($20)
The 2020 Census data provides a wealth of information for use in decision making by local governments. This presentation will focus on what information is available, how to access it, and examples of how the information can be used. If you¿re wondering how you can use Census data to improve services to local constituents, this is the place to start! Presented by Dan Veroff, Distinguished Outreach Specialist, Applied Population Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Preparing for and Adapting to Future Floods with Natural Flood Management ($20)
In this webinar, panelists share Natural Flood Management (NFM), an emerging concept that involves using a combination of multiple practices, in different parts of the watershed, to increase the landscape’s ability to store and manage water. You’ll hear about watershed-scale risk assessments and NFM demonstration projects that are underway in Ashland County to identify infrastructure vulnerabilities and prioritize where flood risks can be minimized through upstream hydrologic restoration actions.
Public Participation in Land Use Decision Making ($20)
Learning how to involve community members in decision-making is an essential skill for local government managers, staff and officials. Yet, the process of public participation is often misunderstood and poorly executed. Learn to think through how to plan for more effective involvement, how to modify existing procedures, and the role of local land use decision makers.
Effective Electronic Public Meetings Part 1 The Basics ($20)
This overview will include the DOJ Office of Open Government advisories and address some reoccurring issues encountered by those attempting to ensure compliance with the open meetings law using an electronic (virtual) meeting format.
Fairgrounds Utilization Planning, a Practical Approach – Recording and Resources ($20)
Fairgrounds are important community facilities that provide a unique setting for cultural identity, education and recreation. However, most fairgrounds are used just a few times a year and carry a high cost burden. Local and county governments are searching for opportunities to make better use of these underutilized assets. How can local governments identify opportunities for cost savings while increasing the quality of service? What partnerships and tools do we need to unlock the potential of our fairgrounds?
Effective Electronic Public Meetings – Part 2 – Advanced Issues ($20)
This session will address specific electronic meeting issues through a question and answer approach, including ¿ Recording meetings ¿ Special Open Meetings Challenges of the Virtual Format – Hearings – What Can and Cannot be Done – Can you conduct a remote evidentiary hearing? – Closed Sessions in a “Virtual” Environment – Meeting Mix of Electronic vs. In-Person – Electronic Meeting Lessons Learned.
Civility and Diversity ($20)
Civility and Diversity are two essential cornerstones to effective local government. Diversity ensures that all voices are at the table and Civility provides the basis for all voices to be heard. Together, they help local governments to make reasoned, rationale and effective decisions incorporating listening citizen and governing body member input, in a manner conducive to effective discussion.
Annual Case Law and Legislative Update – Recording and Materials ($20)
Planning law is constantly changing. This program reviews recent court decisions and legislation from the past year affecting planning and land use in Wisconsin.
Housing – Recording & Materials ($20)
If your community is trying to better understand solutions to your housing issues, this program will provide you with approaches to explore your own local data sets to better understand your community, county or even regional housing market. This webinar will also consider related community issues impacting housing, as well as explore local data sets accessible through County GIS services that will help you better slice and dice housing values by location and municipality.
Presented by Karl Green, Extension Local Government Education Program Manager.
Considerations for Shared Services & Tax Increment Districts – Recording & Materials ($20)
Explore the benefits of Shared Services & Service Consolidation to enhance service quality and collaboration among local governments. Learn how to establish effective shared service agreements through real-world case studies. Additionally, explore the details of Tax-Increment Financing (TIF) and discover the best practices for using it to drive economic growth in your community. Learn how TIF can fund public improvements by leveraging future tax revenues from increased property values within designated districts. Understand the key factors for successful TIF districts, including measurement techniques and practical steps for implementation. This webinar provides actionable strategies to optimize your municipal budget and service delivery.
Presented by Bryan Gadow, ICMA-CM, AICP, EDFP, CPM, MEDP, City Administrator, City of Middleton, WI, and Daniel Foth, JD, Local Government Specialist, UW Madison Extension, Local Government Education Program and Director, Wisconsin Certified Public Manager Program.
Priority/Outcomes-Based Budgeting & Public Engagement in the Budget Process – Recording & Materials ($20)
Learn how to develop a priority/outcomes-based budget that aligns municipal resources with strategic goals to improve transparency and performance. Organize your budget around community priorities, addressing fiscal constraints, rewarding innovation, and measuring outcomes. Understand how to set priorities, where to start, and how to measure success. Additionally, explore effective public engagement strategies to enhance budget processes and major project efforts. Gain insights into the importance of public engagement, creative methods for involving residents, and building support for municipal initiatives. This webinar equips you with tools to improve budget outcomes and foster strong community collaboration.
Presented by Bryan Gadow, ICMA-CM, AICP, EDFP, CPM, MEDP, City Administrator, City of Middleton, WI, and Daniel Foth, JD, Local Government Specialist, UW Madison Extension, Local Government Education Program and Director, Wisconsin Certified Public Manager Program.
Completing Tax Form C/CT – Recording & Materials ($20)
This recording of the Form C-CT webinar will guide you through the steps of completing the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s Forms C/CT, which must be filed by municipal clerks. Whether you’re a seasoned finance professional or a newcomer, learn how to complete this essential form. The presenters will guide you through each section, ensuring your municipality meets its reporting obligation. The presentation will walk through the entire Form C/CT, Sections A through W, and the signature statement and form submission. Your purchase includes a recording of the webinar as well as all relevant materials, including a Form Completion Guide.
Presented by Daniel Foth, JD Local Government Specialist, and Karl Green, Program Manager, at the Local Government Education Program, UW-Madison Extension.
Alcohol/Beverage Licensing I – Recording & Materials ($20)
Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. New municipal clerks and others looking for a refresher on the basics of alcohol licensing will benefit most from this session. Learn about the different types of licenses, license qualifications, notice requirements, and other statutory requirements as your municipality prepares for the upcoming license renewal period.
Presented by Attorneys Carol Nawrocki and Lara Carlson of the Wisconsin Towns Association and Maria Davis and Ryan Sendelbach of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities.
Alcohol/Beverage Licensing II – Recording & Materials ($20)
Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. Part 2 of this recorded webinar is intended for both new and continuing officials who want to stay up to date with recent changes in the law, current issues, and Wisconsin Department of Revenue resources related to alcohol licensing. Presented by Zac Dolan, Alcohol & Tobacco Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
Presented by Zac Dolan, Alcohol & Tobacco Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
Budget Basics, Chart of Accounts, and Form C/CT – Recording & Materials ($20)
Crafting a well-informed budget is crucial for effective governance, and this recorded webinar lays the groundwork for creating a municipal budget in Wisconsin. Learn the legal requirements for your budget and how to create a comprehensive budget summary for public dissemination. Gain practical tips on sourcing necessary data and setting up your financial books and statements, including reviewing the Department of Revenue’s Chart of Accounts and understanding Form C/CT requirements. Additionally, explore key aspects of annual budget preparation, such as developing budget policies, issuing public notices, conducting public meetings, and producing the annual published budget document. This webinar provides you information to understand the budgeting process and the state requirements.
Presented by Daniel Foth, JD, Local Government Specialist, UW Madison Extension, Local Government Education Program and Director, Wisconsin Certified Public Manager Program.
Contact Local Government Education at lgc@extension.wisc.edu or (608) 262-9961.