Open Government


Open Meetings
Wisconsin Open Meetings Law Fact Sheet
Wisconsin Open Meetings Law Fact Sheet en Español – Reuniones Abiertas – (PDF file, 209 kb, 11 pages)
A Common Sense Approach to WI Open Meetings Law Powerpoint – (PowerPoint file, 2.1 Mb, 28 slides)
Electronic Meetings Fact Sheet
Open Meetings Training Video Index by Topic

Public Participation
Public Participation in Local Government Meetings Fact Sheet – (PDF file, 120 kb, 4 pages)

Public Records
Wisconsin Public Records Law Fact Sheet
Wisconsin Public Records Law Fact Sheet en Español – Ley de Registros Publicos – (PDF file, 237 kb, 18 pages)
Agendas and Minutes for Local Governments – (PowerPoint file, 128 kb, 34 slides)

Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
Ethics and Conflicts of Interest FAQ – (PDF file, 303 kb, 12 pages)
Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Powerpoint – (PowerPoint file, 165 kb, 54 slides)

Other Resources
Failure to Transfer Governmental Property or Records
Wisconsin Department of Justice Open Government webpage
Attorney General’s Advisory Opinion on Charging Fees under the Wisconsin Public Records Law

Related Topics: Effective Meetings (Parliamentary Procedure)

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