Related Links

These web links are of general utility, organized to help you locate key sites. On specific topics, please also look for Internet links on any of our content area pages.

Please let us know if you can’t find something you need. E-mail.

Wisconsin Local Governments


Local government units have created associations to provide information to members and maintain a voice in the state legislature. They are an excellent place to look for timely news and useful contact people.

Wisconsin Counties Association
Wisconsin Towns Association
League of Wisconsin Municipalities
Wisconsin City/County Management Association
Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association

Counties in Wisconsin

Web pages of individual counties – listed on Wi.Gov
Division of Extension county offices

Municipalities in Wisconsin (Towns, Cities, Villages)

The following links are not exhaustive. Not every municipality has a website, is a member of a given association, or has sent a link to Wi.Gov. If you still can’t find the municipality you are searching for, try an Internet search engine such as Google.

Web pages of towns – from Wisconsin Towns Association
Web pages of cities and villages – from League of Wisconsin Municipalities (members)

GREAT (Graphing Revenues, Expenditures, and Taxes)

GREAT software, available through the UW Wisconsin-Madison Applied Population Laboratory, makes it possible for Wisconsin towns, cities, villages, and counties to compare their revenues, expenditures, and taxes to other places of similar population.


Wisconsin State Agencies

The following links to state agencies, departments, bureaus, and other units are not exhaustive, but represent links our web visitors use frequently. Use the Wi.Gov portal for additional access to state agencies. The online directory and Blue Book may also guide you in your search.


State of Wisconsin Internet Portal (Wi.Gov) – Link to state agencies, services, jobs, and more
Wisconsin Blue Book – Phone and e-mail directory for state employees
State of Wisconsin official website – Government topics: elected officials, courts and the law, elections and voting, local government, tribal government, federal government, State of Wisconsin Constitution, budgets and spending, state employee resources


Department of Revenue
Department of Administration, Bureau of Intergovernmental Relations
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
Wisconsin Historical Society Local Government Records Program

State Legislature

Local governments are granted a degree of autonomy, but still must comply with statutory requirements. The following links will help users locate information about the lawmakers and legislation.

Wisconsin State Legislature
Wisconsin Joint Legislative Council
Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau Publications
Wisconsin Legislative Documents Search (Statutes, Acts, Administrative Code, and more)
Wisconsin Statutes Table of Contents (with links to current version of statutes in PDF form)

University of Wisconsin System

University of Wisconsin System
— University of Wisconsin-Extension
— University of Wisconsin Division of Extension
— UW-Division of Extension–County and Area Offices
Agricultural and Applied Economics – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Applied Population Laboratory – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Center for Community Economic Development – UW-Division of Extension
Center for Cooperatives – University of Wisconsin-Madison and UW-Extension
Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Certificate in Public Administration – University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Certified Public Manager Program – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Criminal Justice Program– University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Engineering Professional Development – UW-Extension Continuing Education Extension
Environmental Resources Center – UW-Division of Extension

Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) – University of Wisconsin-Madison
La Follette School of Public Affairs – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Local Government Education Programs – University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Nonprofit Fundraising and Revenue Development – University of Wisconsin-Superior
Nonprofit Management Education Center – Learner Resource Center – UW-Division of Extension
Department of Political Science – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Community and Environmental Sociology – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Transportation Information Center – UW-Extension – Newsletter, publications, videotape library for local governments
Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture – University of Wisconsin-Madison; Urban and Regional Planning linked within – Comprehensive list of MPA programs throughout the United States, including programs available through the UW system

U.S. Federal Government

Executive Branch – Agencies

EEOC – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Federal Highway Administration
Environmental Information Sources – U.S. EPA
U.S. Census Bureau
— Census Publications [County Business Patterns] – 1993-2004
— State and County QuickFacts – quick, easy access to facts about people, business, and geography
Rural Information Center (USDA) – provides services for rural communities and local officials.

Legislative Branch

Today on FedNet– Listen to lived U.S. house and Senate hearings

General Federal Government Information Sources

State and Local Employees – Portal on with many links useful to local government officials
Government Stats– Data and statistics about the US
Project Vote Smart – Aids for voters
The Hill – The Capitol Newspaper ™– Breaking news about federal government

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