Alcohol Beverage Regulation and Licensing – Part 1
Thursday, April 20th, 2023 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. New municipal clerks and others looking for a refresher on the basics of alcohol licensing will benefit most from this session. Learn about the different types of licenses, license qualifications, notice requirements, and other statutory requirements as your municipality prepares for the upcoming license renewal period.
Presented by Attorney Carol Nawrocki of the Wisconsin Towns Association and Attorney Claire Silverman and Assistant Legal Counsel Maria Davis of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities.
Registration is $20. To register, please click on the registration link: Registration Link
After registering by credit card, you will receive an email directing you to the zoom link to complete your registration. If you register by check, you will receive the zoom link registration when your check is received, or if registering just before the event, you will receive the zoom link registration when the materials are emailed.
Alcohol Beverage Regulation and Licensing – Part 2
Friday, April 21st, 2023 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. Part 2 is intended for both new and continuing officials who want to stay up-to-date with recent changes in the law, current issues, and Wisconsin Department of Revenue resources related to alcohol licensing.
Presented by Ashley Schnering, Special Agent in Charge, and Zac Dolan, Alcohol & Tobacco Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
Registration is $20. To register, please click on the registration link: Registration Link
After registering by credit card, you will receive an email directing you to the zoom link to complete your registration. If you register by check, you will receive the zoom link registration when your check is received, or if registering just before the event, you will receive the zoom link registration when the materials are emailed.
If you have registered and paid for the above courses you will receive an e-mail to view the password protected videos here: Alcohol Beverage Regulation and Licensing Part 1 and 2 Videos