Counties in Wisconsin

County governments play a multi-faceted role in the state and local government relationship. That role has been recreated by the influence of our founding fathers, the court system, and the Wisconsin state legislature. The role of counties continues to evolve and change as the state-local partnership is re-examined.

History of Wisconsin County government

In 1787, the Northwest Ordinance created the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. 1818 led to the establishment of Wisconsin’s first three counties, Brown, Crawford, and Michilimackinac County. Southwest Wisconsin’s population increased due to the growth in lead mining, creating a fourth county, Iowa county, in 1829. In 1834, Milwaukee County was established as a fifth county. From 1836-1901, the number of counties increased to seventy one. In 1961, the reservation on Menominee Indians of Wisconsin became Wisconsin’s seventy second county – Menominee County. Wisconsin has seventy two total counties that perform essential services and government functions.

An excellent introduction to the role of counties in Wisconsin, Wisconsin County Government: History, Services and Funding , as well as the Wisconsin County Official’s Handbook can be found on the website of the Wisconsin Counties Association.

Fact Sheets and more


Strengthening County Government: Three Cs for Effectiveness (PDF). Local Government Education’s role in supporting county board officials.

County Officials Workshops

Please visit the County Officials Workshops page for more information.

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