CPM Public Courses

Beginning January 2024, classes for public participants will take place by way of the Colleague Cohort. Five slots in each Cohort class will be available for public participants on a first come first serve basis. Credits for self-directed candidates will remain the same.

Download the schedule of classes by clicking here

Registration links are below. If you have any questions, contact Amanda Lang at amandalang@wisc.edu

For more information about the Colleague Group, visit: https://localgovernment.extension.wisc.edu/cpm-colleague-groups-cohorts/

Programs are open to all public managers. You do not need to be enrolled in the Certified Public Manager® Program to register.

May 2024 classes will take place virtually. All other classes will be hybrid, allowing either virtual or in-person at Herzing University Madison from 8:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.

July 12, 2022- Time and Stress Management TechniquesJuly 13, 2022- Budgeting for Public Managers

August 10, 2022- Policy Analysis for Non-Analysts

Sep 13, 2022- Exploring and Reporting Your DataSep 14, 2022- Managing Organizational Change

Oct 11, 2022- Records ManagementOct 12, 2022- Fearless Coaching for Public Managers

Nov 8, 2022- Ethics, Values, and the Public Manager

Dec 13, 2022- Dialogue, Deliberation, and Public Engagement

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