Disaster Management

Disasters strike Wisconsin communities every year, sometimes without warning, causing injuries to citizens and widespread destruction of homes, farms and businesses. Often local officials are both victims of disasters and responsible for helping with disaster recovery. Planning to reduce the impacts of disasters and acting to speed recovery is a major challenge for local government statewide.

In addition to information to assist with planning for and responding to natural disasters, this site provides information for addressing other threats to our wellbeing, including food safety, animal disease control, and homeland security issues. Increasingly, government is being asked to take the lead in keeping the public safe from human caused harm, as well as natural disasters. This site aims to assist those affected by disasters of any kind with up to date information from around the country.

Current and Forecast Conditions for Wisconsin and Beyond

Photo from the NOAA photo archives.
Photo from the NOAA photo archives.

Internet Resources

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The Local Government Center assumes no responsibility for the content of Internet web sites linked to this site.

Wisconsin Resources

Division of Extension and Other University Resources

  • EDEN,  the Extension Disaster Education Network, gathers together disaster resources from Extension Services in many states at one web site.
  • University of Wisconsin-Extension Disaster Handbook for Extension Agents (Entire Handbook – 1 MB PDF file) – designed to help county Extension agents provide immediate assistance and information before and after natural disasters. The handbook is also available in individual chapter form.



Additional References

If you have any questions or comments about the Disaster Management and Recovery webpage, contact lgc@extension.wisc.

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