Fairgrounds Utilization Planning, a Practical Approach
April 20, 2021
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Fairgrounds are important community facilities that provide a unique setting for cultural identity, education and recreation. However, most fairgrounds are used just a few times a year and carry a high cost burden. Local and county governments are searching for opportunities to make better use of these underutilized assets.
How can local governments identify opportunities for cost savings while increasing the quality of service? What partnerships and tools do we need to unlock the potential of our fairgrounds?
Associate Professor and Extension County Community Development educator Melissa Kono and Extension Land Use and Community Development Specialist Todd Johnson will provide a practical approach for improving the utilization of fairgrounds.
Ms. Kono will introduce a fairgrounds utilization planning approach that inventories typical fairgrounds uses and informs a fairground program of potential uses that will increase the level of service and reduce cost burden. Mr. Johnson will discuss how enhanced public engagement methods empower community stakeholders to reimagine their fairgrounds and discover opportunities for improvement.
To register, please click on the registration link below – https://charge.wisc.edu/LocalGovernment/workshop_register.aspx?workshop_id=57
After registering by credit card, you will receive an email directing you to the zoom link to complete your registration. If you register by check, you will receive the zoom link registration when your check is received, or if registering just before the event, you will receive the zoom link registration when the materials are emailed on April 19, 2021.