Leading and Managing from the Middle for Public Managers


Date Nov 4, 2021 08:30 AM – 03:15 PM
Location Dane County Extension, 5201 Fen Oak Dr #138, Madison, WI 53718
Deadline 11/4/2021
Price $225.00
Download the Leading and Managing from the Middle flyer

Grow your influence as a middle manager 

As a middle manager, your job is increasingly important. You translate the expectations of supervisors into standards for your employees, and you represent your unit to others. Learn how you can contribute even more effectively to your organization’s high performance. Discover how to use your position to achieve organizational goals through others, use your seven bases of power more effectively, and find strategies for expanding your influence.  

By the end of this class you should be able to: 

  1. Identify the challenges and opportunities of middle management.
  2. Identify your own current bases of power as middle managers, and strategies for changing or strengthening those bases.
  3. Use your understanding of power, politics and conflict management in building collaborative relationships. 
  4. Use strategies for building influence and managing others.
  5. Make decisions about the use of power and influence in public management which lead to better individual and organizational outcomes. 

Instructor: Guy VanRensselaer (BS, UW-Madison) has spent more than three decades in performance excellence, leading projects for nearly every City of Madison department, and providing consultant services in strategic planning, customer research, performance measurement, change management, and organizational alignment.     


“I learned ways to encourage peers, and how to consider ‘adding value’ to my assistance of my supervisor.” 

“Useful techniques to manage others and collaborate with colleagues. Learned more about my position and how to use it with different-leveled positions at my organization.” 

“Guy is a very knowledgeable instructor. Always enjoy his stories and classes!” 


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