Wednesday, October 20, 2021
10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Racial literacy is a key skill in leading inclusive and equitable local governments. During this first session in a four-part series, you will increase your racial literacy and racial consciousness by engaging in a practice of racial self-awareness to deepen your racial equity work, and to develop skills to support teams and peers in developing racial literacy and racial consciousness. This session will be led by the nINA Collective, a multicultural group who bring decades of experience and expertise in systems change, equity and inclusion capacity building in local government.
To register, please click on the registration link below:
After registering by credit card, you will receive an email directing you to the zoom link to complete your registration. If you register by check, you will receive the zoom link registration when your check is received, or if registering just before the event, you will receive the zoom link registration when the materials are emailed on October 19, 2021.