Effective March 4, 2020, the Wisconsin Legislature amended the Open Meetings Law to provide that notice of meetings of a governmental body shall be given by one of three specified methods.
- Posting a notice in at least 3 public places,
- Posting in a least one public place and placing a notice electronically on the governmental body’s Internet site, or
- By paid publication in a news medium.
It is further required that each posting place or publication be “likely to give notice to person’s affected.”
Our Factsheet #1″Open Meetings Law” has been revised to include the new required methods. These methods will seem familiar to many since with the exception of Internet posting and one public place option these were methods recommended by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. To assist your understanding of this important law, the Open Meetings Law Factsheet covers all aspects of the law based on the statute, court decisions and guidance from the Wisconsin Attorney General.