When Revenues Fall Short – Weathering the Covid-19 Recession 6/9/20
When Revenues Fall Short – Weathering the Covid-19 Recession
Wisconsin municipal governments continue to be hit hard by the COVID-19 recession, and it is likely to get worse before it gets better. This webinar will provides data and practical information on the potential revenue loss impacts on municipalities and how to anticipate and mitigate those impacts.
We brought together experts from Ehlers, KerberRose, the Wisconsin Policy Forum, and UW-Madison Extension’s Community and Economic Development program, each of whom will provide data, practical advice, and potential solutions for local governments to consider as they deal with revenue shortfalls for 2020 and beyond.
To watch or download, visit this link.
Effective Virtual Public Meetings During the Covid-19 Pandemic 5/12/20
Effective Virtual Public Meetings During the Covid-19 Pandemic 5/12/20
Assistant Attorney General Ferguson will provide an overview of recent DOJ guidance on the applicability of the open meetings law during the current public health situation, including two DOJ Office of Open Government advisories and address some recent public inquiries regarding specific issues encountered by those attempting to comply with the advisories. Attorney Phillips will discuss the practicalities of how local governments can best follow the state guidelines for virtual meetings.
To watch or download, visit this link.