Sustaining Anti-Racist and Equitable Practices in Government Bodies


Date Feb 24, 2022 08:30 AM – 03:15 PM
Location Virtual
Deadline 2/24/2022
Price $225.00
Download the Sustaining Anti-Racist and Equitable Practices flyer

Envision succession planning and staff development through a racial equity lens.

Learn the critical elements of equity-focused mentoring and succession-planning programs, assess your organization’s readiness to develop anti-racist leaders, and examine effective, DEI-centered succession programs in other agencies. During this highly-interactive class, we will explore how racial equity policy tools could help government build sharper budget, program, and policy decisions focused on racial equity. Please attend willing to share about a current project/policy/decision and be willing to apply concepts of equity policy tools to the project. This class is a place to practice with other government staff and elected officials so please come prepared to share and prepared to hold in confidence the sharing of others.

By the end of this class, you should be able to:

  • Implement a core equity team
  • Evaluate and develop leadership structure and succession plans
  • Measuring and sustaining equitable changes

Note: Designed by and for people working in government at the local, county or state level, this class focuses on the unique context of racial justice within public administration. Both facilitators are local elected officials and understand the possibilities and challenges of leading for racial equity within a highly political context. This course is an intermediate course – designed for people who are committed to racial equity, who want to transform their systems to address racial inequality, and who are ready to practice leading for equity.

Instructors: ananda mirilli (MS, UW–Madison) is the executive director of nINA Collective, an enterprise dedicated to supporting organizations, institutions and individuals as they advance their change process and racial equity initiatives. A native of Brazil, ananda has a long history of working with communities in the U.S. and abroad, and is the grant director to address racial disproportionality in special education for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

Courtney Reed Jenkins (JD, University of Iowa) is co-leader of the Disproportionality Technical Assistance Network and has spent two decades working in nonprofits and government eliminating institutional barriers to success for underserved students. She has conducted federal and state civil rights investigations for the State of Wisconsin; managed equity-focused systems-change initiatives in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa and Wisconsin; and serves on the management team for the Wisconsin Department of Instruction.

Also see: Racial Equity Leadership for Public Managers


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