What Shapes Health 101
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
2:00 – 3:30 pm
The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.” Increasingly more attention is being paid to the social determinants of health as they relate to community health outcomes. This session will dig into the factors that shape health in a community and describe opportunities for local government leaders to work together to improve community health.
Presented by Paula Tran Inzeo, MATCH Group Director; Jonathan Heller, Senior Health Equity Fellow; and Wajiha Akhtar, Assistant Director, University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute
Registration is $20. To register, please click on the registration link: https://charge.wisc.edu/LocalGovernment/workshop_register.aspx?workshop_id=70
After registering by credit card, you will receive an email directing you to the zoom link to complete your registration. If you register by check, you will receive the zoom link registration when your check is received, or if registering just before the event, you will receive the zoom link registration when the materials are emailed on May 24, 2021.