Effective Meetings

Parliamentary Procedure in Wisconsin

Groups may adopt a particular manual of procedural rules as their parliamentary authority. The most popular manual is:

  • Robert, Henry M. III, Daniel H. Honemann, and Thomas J. Balch, et. al. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. 12th Edition. Public Affairs, New York, 2020

References that are specific to local governments in Wisconsin are:

  • League of Wisconsin Municipalities. The Conduct of Village Board Meetings: Suggested Rules of Procedure with Model Ordinance and Annotations. Madison, Wisconsin: League of Wisconsin Municipalities, 1987
  • League of Wisconsin Municipalities. The Conduct of Common Council Meetings: Suggested Rules of Procedure with Model Ordinance and Annotations. Madison, Wisconsin: League of Wisconsin Municipalities, 1987.


These explanation/demonstration videos feature Dan Hill and Larry Larmer, who both have extensive experience teaching Parliamentary Procedure in Wisconsin. Each is 4-6 minutes long. Topics are:

PowerPoint Slide Presentations

  • Agendas and Minutes for Local Government – (PowerPoint)  These slides provide guidance to those department heads, committee chairs, clerks, and secretaries charged with developing the agendas or minutes for the meetings of local government bodies, including boards, committees, and commissions.
  • Fundamentals of Effective Meetings: Basic Principles and Protocol – (PowerPoint).  These slides provide an overview of parliamentary procedure, emphasizing some of the most common areas of concern for presiding officers.  Many slides contain comprehensive notes for instructors.

FAQS & Fact Sheets

Local Meeting Procedure Policies

Please contact Daniel Foth, Local Government Specialist (daniel.foth@wisc.edu) for questions or additional information.

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