Resources for Local Officials

Below is a listing of available resources listed by type. These resources and others can also be found by browsing our topic pages.

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Model Agreements | Fact Sheets | Frequently Asked Questions | Papers | Powerpoint Slide Presentations | Reports | Resource Listing | Sample Ordinances Webinars

Model Agreements

  • Model Agreement #1: EMS

Fact Sheets

Frequently Asked Questions


PowerPoint Slide Presentations


Related Links

Related Links

Links to state agencies, local government units, and associations of general interest to local government officials. 

Resource Listing

Local Government & Finance Basic Resources List” (2005, Revised 2008) –  (Microsoft Word file, 134 kb, 8 pages)

Bibliography that includes books and manuals, fact sheets, websites, periodicals and other materials, many of which may be accessed by the provided internet links.  It was developed by UW-Extension’s CNRED Local Governance & Finance Team.

Sample Ordinances


Support Extension