2024 Webinars

You can benefit from UW-Extension’s Local Government Education knowledge base by attending webinars. Recorded versions of the webinar programs will be available for sale shortly. Check the links below for pricing.

To register online, look for the link in the program description.
Please remember to use an email address that comes directly to you when registering for the Local Government Education’s programs to make sure you receive all of the necessary information.

Click to view UPCOMING 2024 LGE webinars and register

Priority/Outcomes-Based Budgeting & Public Engagement in the Budget Process – 7-12-2024 11-1pm

Learn how to develop a priority/outcomes-based budget that aligns municipal resources with strategic goals to improve transparency and performance. Organize your budget around community priorities, addressing fiscal constraints, rewarding innovation, and measuring outcomes. Understand how to set priorities, where to start, and how to measure success. Additionally, explore effective public engagement strategies to enhance budget processes and major project efforts. Gain insights into the importance of public engagement, creative methods for involving residents, and building support for municipal initiatives. This webinar equips you with tools to improve budget outcomes and foster strong community collaboration.

Presented by Bryan Gadow, ICMA-CM, AICP, EDFP, CPM, MEDP, City Administrator, City of Middleton, WI, and Daniel Foth, JD, Local Government Specialist, UW Madison Extension, Local Government Education Program and Director, Wisconsin Certified Public Manager Program.

Register for the webinar here. Recordings and materials will be made available to all registrants afterwards.

Housing – 7-24-24 12-1:30pm

If your community is trying to better understand solutions to your housing issues, this program will provide you with approaches to explore your own local data sets to better understand your community, county or even regional housing market. This webinar will also consider related community issues impacting housing, as well as explore local data sets accessible through County GIS services that will help you better slice and dice housing values by location and municipality.

Presented by Karl Green, Extension Local Government Education Program Manager.

Register for the webinar here. Recordings and materials will be made available to all registrants afterwards.

Considerations for Shared Services & Tax Increment Districts – 7-26-2024 11-1pm

Explore the benefits of Shared Services & Service Consolidation to enhance service quality and collaboration among local governments. Learn how to establish effective shared service agreements through real-world case studies. Additionally, explore the details of Tax-Increment Financing (TIF) and discover the best practices for using it to drive economic growth in your community. Learn how TIF can fund public improvements by leveraging future tax revenues from increased property values within designated districts. Understand the key factors for successful TIF districts, including measurement techniques and practical steps for implementation. This webinar will provide actionable strategies to optimize your municipal budget and service delivery.

Presented by Bryan Gadow, ICMA-CM, AICP, EDFP, CPM, MEDP, City Administrator, City of Middleton, WI, and Daniel Foth, JD, Local Government Specialist, UW Madison Extension, Local Government Education Program and Director, Wisconsin Certified Public Manager Program.

Register for the webinar here. Recordings and materials will be made available to all registrants afterwards.

Budget Basics, Chart of Accounts, and Form C/CT – 7-30-24 11-1pm

Crafting a well-informed budget is crucial for effective governance, and this webinar lays the groundwork for creating a municipal budget in Wisconsin. Learn the legal requirements for your budget and how to create a comprehensive budget summary for public dissemination. Gain practical tips on sourcing necessary data and setting up your financial books and statements, including reviewing the Department of Revenue’s Chart of Accounts and understanding Form C/CT requirements. Additionally, explore key aspects of annual budget preparation, such as developing budget policies, issuing public notices, conducting public meetings, and producing the annual published budget document. This webinar provides you information to understand the budgeting process and the state requirements.

Presented by Daniel Foth, JD, Local Government Specialist, UW Madison Extension, Local Government Education Program and Director, Wisconsin Certified Public Manager Program.

Register for the webinar here. Recordings and materials will be made available to all registrants afterwards.

PFAS – 7-31-24 12-1:30pm

PFAS is a group of man-made chemicals that can cause adverse human health effects. These chemicals are very persistent in the environment and in the human body, meaning they don’t break down and they can accumulate over time and have been identified in ground water and drinking water in Madison, La Crosse, Rhinelander, Marinette. Regulation of PFAS compounds is quickly moving forward in Wisconsin at both the legislative, gubernatorial, and administrative rule levels. This webinar will help local governments adapt to recent legislation to monitor and manage PFAS presence in local environments.

Presented by Karl Green, Extension’s Local Government Education Program Manager.

Register for the webinar here. Recordings and materials will be made available to all registrants afterwards.

Click to view past 2024 LGE webinars and access recordings

Completing Tax Form C/CT – Webinar Recording

This recording of the Form C-CT webinar will guide you through the steps of completing the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s Forms C/CT, which must be filed by municipal clerks. Whether you’re a seasoned finance professional or a newcomer, learn how to complete this essential form. The presenters will guide you through each section, ensuring your municipality meets its reporting obligation. The presentation will walk through the entire Form C/CT, Sections A through W, and the signature statement and form submission. Your purchase includes a recording of the webinar as well as all relevant materials, including a Form Completion Guide.

Presented by Daniel Foth, JD Local Government Specialist, and Karl Green, Program Manager, at the Local Government Education Program, UW-Madison Extension.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Alcohol/Beverage Licensing I – Webinar Recording

Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. New municipal clerks and others looking for a refresher on the basics of alcohol licensing will benefit most from this session. Learn about the different types of licenses, license qualifications, notice requirements, and other statutory requirements as your municipality prepares for the upcoming license renewal period.

Presented by Attorneys Carol Nawrocki and Lara Carlson of the Wisconsin Towns Association and Maria Davis and Ryan Sendelbach of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Alcohol/Beverage Licensing II – Webinar Recording

Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. Part 2 of this recorded webinar is intended for both new and continuing officials who want to stay up to date with recent changes in the law, current issues, and Wisconsin Department of Revenue resources related to alcohol licensing. Presented by Zac Dolan, Alcohol & Tobacco Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

Presented by Zac Dolan, Alcohol & Tobacco Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Model Agreement – Webinar Recording

This webinar recording shows people how to use the Emergency Management Services Model Agreement to draft their own agreements. We review the agreement, discuss ways to use it (including key provisions and options), and participants can then put it into practice.

Presented by Bill Oemichen, JD, Local Government Law Educator at UW-Madison Extension.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Responding to Bird Flu – Webinar Recording

Prepare your municipality for potential bird flu outbreaks with a recording of this informative webinar. Understand the crucial steps local government officials need to take in response to avian influenza, including practicing effective strategies for communication, coordinating with public health agencies, and implementing preventive measures to safeguard your community. Gain insights from experts in the field and ensure your municipality is well-equipped to handle this public health challenge.

Presented by Bill Oemichen, JD, Local Government Law Educator at UW-Madison Extension.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Community Culture – Webinar Recording

Have you struggled with recruiting and retaining employees in the current job market? Are you at a loss as to how to describe your culture when asked by job candidates? Do culture problems seem like a mystery that is hard to solve?

More than ever, organizations must confront the looming challenges to recruitment and retention, differentiating themselves and adapting to an ever-changing world. A powerful culture often stands as the key to success. Organizations with a strong workplace culture can differentiate themselves and have stronger rates of retention, accountability and growth. In this interactive workshop, you will explore how to leverage your true culture as your engine for growth. Walk away with an understanding of methodologies to define and operationalize your culture, setting the foundation for improved communication, accountability and a deeper sense of alignment in your organization.

Presented by Melissa Borowicz, CEO of the Utech Group.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Click to view PAST 2024 LGE webinars and purchase recordings

Completing Tax Form C/CT – Webinar Recording

This recording of the Form C-CT webinar will guide you through the steps of completing the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s Forms C/CT, which must be filed by municipal clerks. Whether you’re a seasoned finance professional or a newcomer, learn how to complete this essential form. The presenters will guide you through each section, ensuring your municipality meets its reporting obligation. The presentation will walk through the entire Form C/CT, Sections A through W, and the signature statement and form submission. Your purchase includes a recording of the webinar as well as all relevant materials, including a Form Completion Guide.

Presented by Daniel Foth, JD Local Government Specialist, and Karl Green, Program Manager, at the Local Government Education Program, UW-Madison Extension.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Alcohol/Beverage Licensing I – Webinar Recording

Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. New municipal clerks and others looking for a refresher on the basics of alcohol licensing will benefit most from this session. Learn about the different types of licenses, license qualifications, notice requirements, and other statutory requirements as your municipality prepares for the upcoming license renewal period.

Presented by Attorneys Carol Nawrocki and Lara Carlson of the Wisconsin Towns Association and Maria Davis and Ryan Sendelbach of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Alcohol/Beverage Licensing II – Webinar Recording

Under state law, Wisconsin municipalities issue and renew alcohol licenses. Part 2 of this recorded webinar is intended for both new and continuing officials who want to stay up to date with recent changes in the law, current issues, and Wisconsin Department of Revenue resources related to alcohol licensing. Presented by Zac Dolan, Alcohol & Tobacco Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

Presented by Zac Dolan, Alcohol & Tobacco Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Model Agreement – Webinar Recording

This webinar recording shows people how to use the Emergency Management Services Model Agreement to draft their own agreements. We review the agreement, discuss ways to use it (including key provisions and options), and participants can then put it into practice.

Presented by Bill Oemichen, JD, Local Government Law Educator at UW-Madison Extension.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Responding to Bird Flu – Webinar Recording

Prepare your municipality for potential bird flu outbreaks with a recording of this informative webinar. Understand the crucial steps local government officials need to take in response to avian influenza, including practicing effective strategies for communication, coordinating with public health agencies, and implementing preventive measures to safeguard your community. Gain insights from experts in the field and ensure your municipality is well-equipped to handle this public health challenge.

Presented by Bill Oemichen, JD, Local Government Law Educator at UW-Madison Extension.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

Community Culture – Webinar Recording

Have you struggled with recruiting and retaining employees in the current job market? Are you at a loss as to how to describe your culture when asked by job candidates? Do culture problems seem like a mystery that is hard to solve?

More than ever, organizations must confront the looming challenges to recruitment and retention, differentiating themselves and adapting to an ever-changing world. A powerful culture often stands as the key to success. Organizations with a strong workplace culture can differentiate themselves and have stronger rates of retention, accountability and growth. In this interactive workshop, you will explore how to leverage your true culture as your engine for growth. Walk away with an understanding of methodologies to define and operationalize your culture, setting the foundation for improved communication, accountability and a deeper sense of alignment in your organization.

Presented by Melissa Borowicz, CEO of the Utech Group.

Access to the webinar recording and materials is available for purchase here.

For questions or assistance with program information:
Local Government Education
Email: lgc@extension.wisc.edu

432 N. Lake St, Rm. 439
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: (608) 262-9961
Fax: (608) 265-8662

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